Get some perspective

 There are a few men in the world that are in the -one of a kind-category. They're exceptional and stand heads above the rest. These men seemed to have been given a special gene, or like in Sleeping Beauty they had a fairy god mother to give them a special gift because while they can qualify as a man's man, they lack the rough, apathetic side that seem to be in so many.

I'm actually dating such a man. He absolutely is a man's man- athletic and mechanical. He rock climbs and kayaks and mountain bikes. He does a number of dangerous things that scare me to death like riding a motorcycle and sky diving. (Ok...that the sky diving part doesn't really scare me). He can fix pretty much anything. He's funny and intelligent and easy going and  hot!...And he is amazing to me. Last week he was going on a bike trip to the mountains and I was working at the fair. He postponed his trip and surprised me so we could enjoy the fair together when I got off work. A few weeks ago, I was working late and when I got home, he had made dinner for me.

I'm so lucky, right? Um...HELL yeah! (Pardon the explicative language, but it was necessary for emphasis!)

 Then why do I nitpick? Why do I get my feelings hurt and I tend to focus on that instead of on the whole picture which is...

MY BOYFRIEND is amazing. One of a kind. Almost perfect. He's a keeper.

So why am I such a blind idiot? What is wrong with me?

As I pause and think of this...and think of the men I have known that haven't appreciated their girlfriends or wives, that have been selfish and thoughtless. And I see how blessed I am and wonder what is wrong that I don't just thank God everyday for putting this man in my life that shows me everyday how he cares about me.

I wonder if this isn't how I make God feel.

Because He loves me so much. He has proven it to me again and again and yet I question it and analyze it and challenge Him every time something goes slightly awry. I complain and feel sorry for myself and feel angry with Him because I don't feel loved by Him.

 I'm such a BRAT!!!

Life is hard. It's gonna be. Everyone has problems- some may seem really obvious and others are hidden from people. But no one lives their life through rose colored glasses. It is life- full of disappointment and failures. But having a loving God that is there to run to, makes it bearable....and really, if my attitude is right, a joyful bearing. And on top of His amazing- get out of hell free card and I'll never leave you or forsake you promises....He throws in these amazing gifts to give me joy- like Daniel. And my awesome, wiser loving sister to give me advice and tell me what a blockhead I am. And my wonderful, loyal best friend Maureen that has been there since I was 13. And a snuggling dog, Seong that wants nothing more in life than to be sitting on my lap at all times.

I am so blessed. Blessed beyond words and I wish I could get my brain surgically wired to only see the positive.

When I focus on the blessings and the positives- I am filled with joy and I'm smiling and I'm thankful and I'm happy.Everything is a little easier, and everything feels lighter.

God forgive me. I have been so wrong.

So today...I'm choosing to say no to this sinful human trait of looking at the negative. I'm done with being sullen and selfish and focusing on my feelings. I'm going to appreciate my amazing, one -of -a -kind, almost perfect boyfriend and try to demonstrate everyday how much I love and respect and am thankful for him. And my sister, and my mom and my dog and my best friend...and my dad who has prayed for me more than anyone.

 And  most of all, I'm going to enjoy God's love-which is absolutely perfect.



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