interesting things about korea

today i went to go buy a comforter and sheets for my bed, (compliments of SLP, this school ROCKS!) over the weekend, i had forgotten to exchange any money so i was stuck sleeping on two blankets. this was very uncomfortable. for one, i'm a germ freak and so lying on a naked mattress, even with a blanket over it creeps me out. (i mean, blankets can move. sheets can't. duh!) so i went to E MART and browsed through the comforter section. it didn't take me long to narrow it down between two different ones, and then i stood for 20 minutes and agonized over which one i really wanted. i finally chose one (because i was exhausted) and got some matching sheets to go. i love my bed spread. it's beautiful and very me and perfect and just the right touch to my closet apartment....interesting thing. i open the sheets...and there weren't sheets. there is A SHEET. that's right. one bottom sheet without a top sheet or pillow cases. I hoped that my bed spread would have pillow cases...nope. no pillow cases.

second interesting thing about korea: if you go grocery shopping and spend your last dime on all your groceries, you will be carrying those veggies home in your coat pocket... no bags for you! that's right. you must PURCHASE your shopping bags. it's .50 won which comes out to be 10 cents i believe, but wow. it's a pain, i have to admit. when i discover that the one bag i purchased isn't big enough and i have to go back and purchase another, very annoying. and yet, it's brilliant. what a way to to end unnecessary waste. so many people throw away their plastic bags instead of reusing them.

Whatever You Do, Do Not Sit Down....on the ground.
korean people like to spit. from the very young to the very old, they are hockers (or is it hackers? is there such as a thing as hockers? i was thinking hockers hock loogis. but now i don't think i spelled that right. have mercy on me, i'm soooo tired). i mean serious spitters. people warned me, and shortly after i saw it happen frequently. but today, as i was carrying my overstuffed bags from E Mart, i almost set one down at the light because i was tired and stopped in mid air. a big spit ball on the ground. EEEEWWWW.....

the coffee is disgusting...regular black coffee here does not exist. the Korean version is instant coffee mixed with a little expresso and LOTS of water for a good light taste. BLAH!!! AND it's a lot more expensive than regular coffee you get in the states.

all the kitchen sinks stink in the apartments. none of the teachers know why...they just know it stinks. apparently nothing is ever done about it. but i will find a way to kill the smell. even if it means taping the drain shut and never using the sink.

alright. i'm going to bed.


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